Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Decisions & Obligations...

This is nothing as "important" as before. But still, this week has been Decisions & Obligations.... I obligated myself to making a cake, so that is first priority, I also have a class each week, and a follow up dinner this week, then there are the calendars, and work. Decisions... I want to go to the gym, to the pool, to walk the dog, I need to finish the test in the studying I am doing, and I am having fun with the Candy Clay flowers involved in this cake. Added to all that is Mother's Day which I must be involved with, and My Sister's birthday which I just need to acknowledge, gift is a bonus. Beyond that there was a friends, a child's birthday, and then the Preakness. One action packed week. So I added a birthday cake for this weekend and work has decided to go on a schedule of craziness. Oh what am I to do?
The cake is going well, working well, and rather damn cool if I do say so. I am in a quandary about being paid for this. While they are willing to pay, and will, I am just not sure what to really charge... I mean my time is money, but still. Is it worth that much.
I have had a grand week over all, I have seen God a few times, searched a few times, and just well left everything up to him a few times too. I have wondered what to address this week's blog too... and I have come to the conclusion that I am not quite ready for this week to come about.
At first I was going to write about the Preakness and my obsession with racing. About the beauty of a horse running down the stretch and how I have no idea what I am doing in Handicapping a race. But then there was the moment of seeing Pauline's husband and hearing his laughter, God in disguise, and Daysi at the party, being SO excited to see me there. That was the hand of God too. They both made me feel the joy of God. Then there was Mother's Day, a day of mixed emotions for me. But nothing came together. Miss Maggie went swimming in the lake for the first time this year, I missed making dinner for Mother's Day. There are plenty of postings in all of that. Then there is the cake...which is going well so I don't have much to say on that so far.
So it is a week of busyness... I have things going on, perhaps I will form full thoughts on them later, but right now... Wow, I am busy. I will land the ship later.

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